Genome-wide knockout mutants for E. coli K-12
Three years after the yeast set, a complete set of knockouts of all genes in E. coli K-12 was published in Molecular Systems Biology[s]. Mutants resulting from transposon mutagenesis were available for about half of the genes previously but this study used the popular knockout method by Datsenko and Wanner to target each gene specifically.
The same group reports[s] the sequencing of another closely related K-12 strain - and probably provides the best sequence information we have for genomes currently.
Next on my wishlist: A complete set of double or triple knockout mutants for paralogous gene families in E.coli or yeast.
The same group reports[s] the sequencing of another closely related K-12 strain - and probably provides the best sequence information we have for genomes currently.
Next on my wishlist: A complete set of double or triple knockout mutants for paralogous gene families in E.coli or yeast.
spitshine - 2006-02-22 14:45
what makes a bacterial cell
Minimal genomes
Back in the day, I found it peculiar that 'minimal genomes' were considered when only two genomes were completely sequenced. Interesting though that the number seems stable ten years later.