Annotated link list
A handful of noteworthy links
Other science blogs
- Science blogs - A blog network supported by Seed magazine, covering some 15 blogs
Blogs by editors of scientific journals
- Free Association - Nature Genetics
- Action Potential - Nature Neuroscience
- SciAm Observations- Scientific American
German blogs
- Spreeblick - No science here but influential on how to blog
- Riesenmaschine - Essential diversions
- Zeitwissen - Popular sciences blog
- Postgenomic - Tracking the life science blogs (covered previously)
- Technorati - The tracker of all things blog
- BioWiki - An open wiki by the Ian Holmes lab (Berkeley)
- OpenWetWare A Wiki to share information between researchers in biological research. Covered here previously.
- Wikipedia - Obv.
spitshine - 2006-03-05 22:03
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